Many Kiwis fear that John Key and the New Zealand National Party may take the country over to the right and undo some of the good work that Labour has done, such as Kiwibank, Kiwirail and Kiwi Saver.
Labour knew that Private business is not the saviour of everything, Tranzrail spent most of its time letting the NZ rail network fall into disrepair while funnelling the profits to their Australian owners, same with the Banks. Kiwirail will hopefully stop this from happening again, even though the government had to pay a pretty penny to buy it back into public ownership. Hopefully John Key and the New National Party Government will respect that.
I myself work in an Education support role and do worry a bit as to how safe my job will be under a National Government. I do not have anything against private business, I just think that private business should make it profits outside the zone of essential public services such as Education, health, Emergency services and even transport.
I hope that the New, New Zealand Government will not make sweeping changes to public services and respects that the private sector cannot fix every problem we have,
Good luck Mr Key, I did not vote for you but congratulations on a good campaign.
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