From the bbc...
Iran's government has blocked access to social networking site Facebook ahead of June's presidential elections, according to Iran's ILNA news agency.ILNA suggested the move was aimed at stopping supporters of reformist candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi from using the site for his campaign.'
Maybe Iran simply do not care about what the Western world thinks of them, but if they do (and I think they do) then this is a very bad move indeed. Freedom, democracy and free speech are essential component of an honest election and by shutting down free speech (facebook) they have made themselves look pretty bad I reckon.
It said that "according to certain Internet surfers, the site was banned because supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi were using Facebook to better disseminate the candidate's positions".
So whats wrong with that? maybe he, like many other minority candidates are using all the tools at their disposal in trying to publicise an election campaign, by using a site like Facebook this means that even the little guy has a voice...
but not in Iran.
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