Language Quirks.
(Using the Scotland accent as a baseline comparison, as long as you don't roll the 'R')
How things sound....
- Kah = A Motor Vehicle
- Folk = Usually used with a knife
- Noife = Usually used with a fork
- Naw-oo = To answer in the negative
- Yese = To answer in the affirmative
- Patty = A social gathering
- Sher = Something you use in the morning to get clean
- Texas = What you must pay to the government
- FS = What you pay to get on a plane
- Eh-Points = What you earn as a frequent flyer
- Choi-nah = An Asian country
- Pooh-piss = The object toward which one strives or for which something exists
- Gools = Young females
- Fleg = The wavy thing than represents a nation.
- Grend-Foi-null. = the final game of a Sporting competition.
- Bee = An Alcoholic beverage
- Woking = Not quite as fast as running
- Wooled = Our planet
- Ooth = The name of our planet
- Spote = Organised physical activity
- Dota = Female offspring
- Mooda = To kill someone
- Nooses = Valued employees in hospitals
- Broi-berry = A crime
- Oy = to see with
- Oy = Myself
- Stendids = Everyone should have them
- Hezid = Danger
- Ba = A public house
- Lie-buh = NZ political party
- Nesha-null = NZ political party
- Pooh-sins = More than one human
- Foost = better than 2nd
- Woe-ta = A clear drinking fluid
- Boke = Something you read
- Peen = Something you write with
- Teen Munuts = A unit of time, (minutes) one more than 9
- Seventeen = $7.10
- Deet = When you owe someone money
- Tomb = A part of the school year
- Palli-mint = Where the government meets
- Kroist = Our Lord
- Tramah = Trauma
- Low-ah = Law
- Voodict = Something the jury should arrive at
- Cote = A legal venue
- Toking = Expressing yourself orally
- Quota = A fraction
- Pooh-voot = A person who displays an unhealthy sexual desire over someone
- Kroish = A place to send your kids while you are working
- Fush = Sea creature
- Oakland = New Zealand's largest city
- Kroist-Chooch = The south islands largest city
- Sand = Something you hear
- Unglund = The nation south of Scotland
- Meericas-cap = A huge sailing event (which no one else in the world watches)
- Hole = A large room
- Skol = Where kids go to learn
- Looning = Something you should be doing at school
- Booth-Die = Celebration of the day you were born
- Wook = What you do to earn your wages
- Moaning = The earliest part of the day
- Fearie = A vessel used for car and passenger transport
- Fearie = A magical flying creature
- O-strall-yah = The nation to the west of NZ
- Bought = Brought
- Brought = Bought
- Furtherest = Furthest
- Cellphone = Mobile phone
- Chips = Crisps
- Chips = Chips
- Soccah = Football
- Station-Wagon = Estate car
- Jug = Kettle
- Flog = Steal
- Chook (sounds like: choke) - Chicken
- Shiela's = Women
- Rort = Fraud