Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Scots in New Zealand : A Guide

If you are a Scot who is coming to New Zealand to live, or even for a holiday, you might like this random little guide to some things that you might find when you get here...

Language Quirks.
(Using the Scotland accent as a baseline comparison, as long as you don't roll the 'R')

How things sound....
  • Kah = A Motor Vehicle
  • Folk = Usually used with a knife
  • Noife = Usually used with a fork
  • Naw-oo = To answer in the negative
  • Yese = To answer in the affirmative
  • Patty = A social gathering
  • Sher = Something you use in the morning to get clean
  • Texas = What you must pay to the government
  • FS = What you pay to get on a plane
  • Eh-Points = What you earn as a frequent flyer
  • Choi-nah = An Asian country
  • Pooh-piss = The object toward which one strives or for which something exists
  • Gools = Young females
  • Fleg = The wavy thing than represents a nation.
  • Grend-Foi-null. = the final game of a Sporting competition.
  • Bee = An Alcoholic beverage
  • Woking = Not quite as fast as running
  • Wooled = Our planet
  • Ooth = The name of our planet
  • Spote = Organised physical activity
  • Dota = Female offspring
  • Mooda = To kill someone
  • Nooses = Valued employees in hospitals
  • Broi-berry = A crime
  • Oy = to see with
  • Oy = Myself
  • Stendids = Everyone should have them
  • Hezid = Danger
  • Ba = A public house
  • Lie-buh = NZ political party
  • Nesha-null = NZ political party
  • Pooh-sins = More than one human
  • Foost = better than 2nd
  • Woe-ta = A clear drinking fluid
  • Boke = Something you read
  • Peen = Something you write with
  • Teen Munuts = A unit of time, (minutes) one more than 9
  • Seventeen = $7.10
  • Deet = When you owe someone money
  • Tomb = A part of the school year
  • Palli-mint = Where the government meets
  • Kroist = Our Lord
  • Tramah = Trauma
  • Low-ah = Law
  • Voodict = Something the jury should arrive at
  • Cote = A legal venue
  • Toking = Expressing yourself orally
  • Quota = A fraction
  • Pooh-voot = A person who displays an unhealthy sexual desire over someone
  • Kroish = A place to send your kids while you are working
  • Fush = Sea creature
  • Oakland = New Zealand's largest city
  • Kroist-Chooch = The south islands largest city
  • Sand = Something you hear
  • Unglund = The nation south of Scotland
  • Meericas-cap = A huge sailing event (which no one else in the world watches)
  • Hole = A large room
  • Skol = Where kids go to learn
  • Looning = Something you should be doing at school
  • Booth-Die = Celebration of the day you were born
  • Wook = What you do to earn your wages
  • Moaning = The earliest part of the day
  • Fearie = A vessel used for car and passenger transport
  • Fearie = A magical flying creature
  • O-strall-yah = The nation to the west of NZ
How things differ...
  • Bought = Brought
  • Brought = Bought
  • Furtherest = Furthest
  • Cellphone = Mobile phone
  • Chips = Crisps
  • Chips = Chips
  • Soccah = Football
  • Station-Wagon = Estate car
  • Jug = Kettle
  • Flog = Steal
  • Chook (sounds like: choke) - Chicken
  • Shiela's = Women
  • Rort = Fraud

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Pop Mail Vs Webmail

Pop mail such as MAC OS Mail, Windows Mail, Thunderbird etc are common and often the preferred method for most people to get their mail but what about Webmail such as Gmail and Yahoo Mail (Ymail)?

I have often talked about this with friends and family so I thought it was about time I wrote down my opinions.

Personally I prefer webmail and here's why.
  • Webmail looks the same no matter where you access it.
  • Webmail allows you to see spam BEFORE you spend ages downloading it.
  • Webmail scans attachments for viruses before it EVER reaches your precious PC
  • Webmail messages are always there unless you delete them.
Pop Mail on the other hand has some serious pitfalls in my opinion.
  • You might get some large SPAM attachments, but you have to wait until they actually download before you can decide, which uses up your connection data and if you are on a dial up modem (uses up heaps of time!)
  • If you want to access your mail from somewhere else (On Holiday or a mates house) you have to figure out how to access the Webmail equivalent anyway which often POP MAIL users cannot be bothered doing, do you know the URL, user name, Password etc, did you set up your account to leave a copy on the server? blah blah blah!
  • Doubling Up. If you do want to do both, you have to manage not only your POP MAIL client (Mac Mail, Thunderbird, Windows Mail) but your Webmail equivalent too.
To be fair, you could say that Webmail has one disadvantage, you do have to login in each time (Unless you use Firefox like me and have everything on auto-login).

Conclusion, Webmail wins every time!

Dual Booting to avoid a broken Hard Drive

My Hard drive started ticking! Oh Shit, I thought, sounds like it is about to go bust.

All my files are on my 2nd drive so if my 1st one breaks then I wont lose my files, just the ability to boot my system until i get a new drive and probably another copy of Windows (I have an OEM Vista copy at the moment) but Windows 7 doesnt come out for a few more months! So what do I do?

I checked online for solutions and I figured, well instead of buying a new copy of Vista and reloading it onto a new drive, why not just clone it onto a new drive, then pull the old one out and shove the new one in.

To be honest, after looking online for a few days to sort this out, I gave up.

But I do think I have a new solution! I have just grabbed Ubuntu (Linux) a free operating system and I downloaded it and installed it from within windows to my 2nd (Healthy) hard drive.


This way, if my primary hard drive does fail, I can still boot my system with Ubuntu on the second drive and access the net etc until I get a new drive with windows 7 on it!

something to consider I reckon if you are having a similar problem!

Ubuntu seems awesome and dual booting seems like a great idea!
