Maybe this Police officer thought he was about to deal with an angry mob and pulled out his gun as a precaution.
Fair enough I reckon.
But there is no getting away from the fact that it looks really really bad for the DC police, especially when the mob questioned him on it, he just dug his hole even deeper (something we have all done from time to time) by saying 'yes, I drew my gun, because I was hit by a snowball'.
Maybe it was a silly thing to do and surely he never would have fired it (perhaps?) but in any event, this guy ain't gonna have a very Merry Christmas for sure, and that's just a downright shame.
On the other hand, those 'mature' people who were shouting 'Fuck you Pig!'. I bet they are going to have a great Christmas.
Seasons Greetings to you all and please do not throw Snowballs @ cop cars. :-D
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