Tsunami Alert Photos >>Another alert and this time it seems to be a bit more serious following the 8.8 Magnitude quake over in Chile.
Having been listening to the marine scanner this morning a few interesting reports of 1.0m waves and 0.2m waves (20 cm) have been reported all along the coastline.
We headed on up to North Head where dozens of people and a ONE News team were standing by to witness the onslaught.
(Photo: Murray Douglas) Of course, nothing really happened. We did see some small waves coming into shore but very noticeable.

No time to be complacent though, we never know when the real one will hit and when it does, I can guarantee 100% that there will be plenty of beach spectators getting hurt.
Today we saw the Cruise ship
Dawn Princess anchored at the entrance to the Waitemata harbour having been told to leave its dock due to the Tsunami alert.
(Photo by Murray Douglas) Note the passengers on the upper deck waiting for the show to start!

The photo on the right is of the first Tsunami waves (surge) as it 'hit' Auckland at approx 10.52am. Its not much to look at I'm afraid...
The Tsunami alert remains in place for the rest of the day.