All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly, although there is considerable disagreement among socialists over how, and to what extent this could be achieved.
To me, the greatest reason why I would ever become a Socialist is health care.
100% Free health care. (tax funded of course)
Maybe I am crazy but as far as I am concrned, health care is a Right, not a Privilege which only a certain percentage of society should have access to.
Every human being should have access to free and high quality health care without being asked for a Credit Card or Insurance Certificate, Surely even the most staunch Capitalist would agree that this "basic" human right should be met.
What amazes me about the American system of health care, is the large number of people who seem to have been brainwashed into accepting that any kind of 'free' system is bad because..
Free healthcare = socialism and socialism is a bad word.
Many people in the United States seem happy to pay for medical insurance cover and also seem to believe that it will provide in their darkest hour of need, the cover which it proclaims. I would have serious doubts over trusting a private company to pay for my medical bills, especially after watching the movie 'Sicko' where it was revealed that these companies actually employ people to deliberatly look for reasons to 'deny' your cover and often find one, no matter how small and insignificant that reason is.
I would much prefer to trust the government with my health care. Why? because I believe in democracy, I believe that for the most part, my government (in this case NZ and UK) can be trusted to look after the people. They do not seek profit and therefore are highly unlikely to deny my rights for medical care.
Does this make me A Socialist?
further reading >
P.s. If you are against free health care and don't mind paying for cover, that's fine, but what about Police, Schools, Fire service? Should you get a bill from the Police when they arrest a criminal on your property? should you fork out a few thousand dollars for the fire dept who successfully extinguish your burning home?
Keep Our NHS Public!
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