The spelling in the Scots Leid / Language is still much tae debate aboot so ah make nae apologies fur any o the spelling that ye might disagree wi.
Mah Ain Dialect wid said tae be that o the south o Edinburgh wir ah'm fae (Embra) incase yer wunderin. The map oan the right will tell ye roond aboot where this language is spoken.
Ah Grew up speakin whit ah thought wiz jus "slang" but its turns oot thit mah slang is mair o a dialect than jist some kindae Bastardized version o English. Maist o the time ah wid speak like this tae ma pals when ah wiz wee, but yed aywis git pulled up fur it in school! Mair than likely, ye wouldnae git away wi it when ye wur auld enough tae wurk. Ye could nivur get a joab if ye went intae an interview speakin like this, ken?
Ma Mither and Faither wid have both spokin a bit like this tae when they wur wee, coz they are also frae roon aboot the same place o each ither, that being Edinburgh (Embra)
Ah've bin bloggin for aboot 3 months noo and ahm still trying tae get tae grips wi it. Ah've blogged oan politics, wurld news and various ither hings, an so far ah've managed tae git a guid few hits fae you guid folks oot there on the web, so ta very much fur that.
Mair recently uh've bin bloggin aboot the US Elections, even tho ahm no a yank, ah still find it interestin. Ah've also bin bloggin a guid bit aboot the political situation goin on here in bonny NZ tae, coz oor elections are cumin up soon anaw.
Ah've also written aboot military issues such as thae daft Russians an their huge Warships. Aye, ah've goat a bit o a ship fetish yin could say.
Then yeh've goat the mair abstract subjects thit ah've blogged aboot, likesay the price o Brocolli and "how come were still waitin oan mair Freeview channels in NZ?".
Anither yin that stuck me wis the plight o the brave Gurkhas in Britian, ah hid tae write a few wurds oan that yin, fur its a right injustice!
Then ye've goat yer daft blog posts like the Aussies who blew up "hole in the wa" in Melbourne and then what aboot the blog oan the Kiwi Drivers eh? Ah thought that wiz a guid yin even if ah do say so masel, especially the bit aboot the roondaboots.
What aboot the moon? There wiz a guid few comments oan that yin, especially fae ma blogger pal "Ken", ah still dinnae ken, if Ken got it though. Ken what ah mean?
(Music Monkey will ken though, even through she's a Weegie)
By the way for those o you who dinnae ken, ah've goat two ither Blogs, yin oan Sci Fi and Yin oan Widescreen Wallpaper so away an take a wee look if ye can be bothured.
Well thats aboot it fae me on this, ma inagural "Scots Leid" post, ah hope ye wur able tae decipher it enough tae understand whit ahm sayin.
Bear in mind noo that "Scots" is an Auld language, its a derivative o Auld an Middle English. If yer interested in readin mair aboot the Scots Leid, take a wee look at the links below.
- Dicionar O the Scots Leid
- Scots Online - Pittin the Mither Tongue on the Wab!
- A Braw Airticle oan the Scots Leid @ Wikipedia
By Fur noo.
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