Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Demotivational Posters 5
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Get Rid of those Guns !
I still struggle to come to terms with the mentality of gun culture. Shootings in the states are common yet Americans generally love the fact that their constitution protects their right to own guns. This latest shooting in Germany did come as a shock but still, not entirely unusual.
What is it about people who argue the old saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people"?
We as a species are fearful, irrational, vengeful, violent, unstable and bias in many a different way. Nothing is going to stop that. Even the most 'normal' law abiding citizen will get divorced, dumped, fired, bullied or have other issues that might even only for a few hours cause him or her to become irrational or violent. Normally the person can calm down and just get on with it but if that person, at the height of their madness reaches for a gun. Too late.
And yet we always hear about "what made them do it?" "I don't understand why he killed all these people!" "he was so normal"
I know why they do it, they are human and humans are animals plain and simple.
There have been time in my own life when if I had A gun available, I probably would have used it. But I didn't, because the passage of time allows for a cooler head to prevail.
So instead of trying to "fix" people who commit these terrible crimes, why don't we just take away the tools with which the crimes cause such damage?
The Right to Bear Arms >>
What is it about people who argue the old saying "guns don't kill people, people kill people"?
We as a species are fearful, irrational, vengeful, violent, unstable and bias in many a different way. Nothing is going to stop that. Even the most 'normal' law abiding citizen will get divorced, dumped, fired, bullied or have other issues that might even only for a few hours cause him or her to become irrational or violent. Normally the person can calm down and just get on with it but if that person, at the height of their madness reaches for a gun. Too late.
And yet we always hear about "what made them do it?" "I don't understand why he killed all these people!" "he was so normal"
I know why they do it, they are human and humans are animals plain and simple.
There have been time in my own life when if I had A gun available, I probably would have used it. But I didn't, because the passage of time allows for a cooler head to prevail.
So instead of trying to "fix" people who commit these terrible crimes, why don't we just take away the tools with which the crimes cause such damage?
The Right to Bear Arms >>
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Apple Mac's are SHIT!
The eternal Mac vs PC debate rages on and with the release of Windows 7, I am sure there will be many a blogger denouncing the Mac and defending the PC and vice versa.
I have an open mind and I am willing to accept that there must be something good about MAC's otherwise people would not buy them, right? One thing is for certain, many people love fashion and the good folks over at Apple have cashed in on those people who simply cannot be seen in public with a laptop without a glowing Apple symbol on the back of it.
Every time I ask a MAC user why they love their MAC they respond with 'its just so easy to use!'. This is a valid point. Then I ask 'what do you actually use it for?'.
99% of the time, the answer is 'Um, well I check my email, surf the web and look at photos'.
I guess what I am actually saying is, the vast majority of people who use MAC's are simpletons, but there are a few who use it for very good albeit singular purposes such as video editing with Final Cut Pro, or sound mixing with Garageband.
I use my home PC running the much lambasted Vista SP2 (64bit). I have a 2.0ghz (not much) AMD Chip, 4gb of RAM and a fairly respectable 256mb video card. On any given day I multitask between Photoshop, Premiere, Firefox, Winamp and Powerpoint.
The term 'MAC user' is a bit of an Oxymoron because I swear, a huge percentage of them are not actually used, but instead are left in the corner of the living room as a symbol of how sophisticated the owner is.
MAC? you can keep it.
I have an open mind and I am willing to accept that there must be something good about MAC's otherwise people would not buy them, right? One thing is for certain, many people love fashion and the good folks over at Apple have cashed in on those people who simply cannot be seen in public with a laptop without a glowing Apple symbol on the back of it.
Every time I ask a MAC user why they love their MAC they respond with 'its just so easy to use!'. This is a valid point. Then I ask 'what do you actually use it for?'.
99% of the time, the answer is 'Um, well I check my email, surf the web and look at photos'.
I guess what I am actually saying is, the vast majority of people who use MAC's are simpletons, but there are a few who use it for very good albeit singular purposes such as video editing with Final Cut Pro, or sound mixing with Garageband.
I use my home PC running the much lambasted Vista SP2 (64bit). I have a 2.0ghz (not much) AMD Chip, 4gb of RAM and a fairly respectable 256mb video card. On any given day I multitask between Photoshop, Premiere, Firefox, Winamp and Powerpoint.
- I am a power user.
- I am very productive on my PC.
- I can customise it any way I like.
- Its costs half the price of the MAC and it goes twice as fast.
- It is not a fashion statement, nor would I want it to be.
The term 'MAC user' is a bit of an Oxymoron because I swear, a huge percentage of them are not actually used, but instead are left in the corner of the living room as a symbol of how sophisticated the owner is.
MAC? you can keep it.
Macbook Wheel : New Technology reported by the Onion.

you always have steady speed and it does not let you
customize so you don't ruin it. Anyone can drive a Mac.
I have never heard the argument said better. Mac's Suck
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
New Zealand from Space : Hi Resolution Image
Ireland From Space : St Patricks Day
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Is Vista Really That Bad ?

There is no doubt that it is a bit of a dressed up version of Windows XP but its a hell of a lot tidier. Improvements such as the fast indexing, scaleable thumbnails, windows photo gallery and the simplified Start menu are nothing but good things I reckon.
I have heard a lot of bad press and many people have been moaning about things such as the approval pop-ups (made fun of in the MAC adverts) but I am happy to make sure that nothing will execute itself on my precious PC without my say-so.
I really like the Aero glass interface and flip-3d feature and I do admit they are a bit gimmicky but I do actually use it. I had to upgrade my PC to run it, but my PC was getting on a bit and I had to do so anyway since my graphics card was a piece of shit. My AMD Athlon +3200 processor is the only thing holding it back, if you can say that for I still get a score of 4.1 for it. Not too bad.

The thing I like about Windows in general is that it is fast. A Windows 'power user' knows all of the shortcuts to be productive and I am one of them. People are always slating the evil Microsoft empire but until there is a real alternative to Windows (I hate Mac's) then I am sticking with it.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Aotea Web Hosting : Fair Go.
Maybe any publicity is good publicity but from what I just watched on TVNZ's Fair Go Episode tonight, the guy who runs Aotea Web Hosting ( www.aotea.net ) in the UK seems to be a very good example of someone who seems to think that a business relationship is purely one-way.
Their way.
This rang so many bells for me, I have been in NZ for 6 years since moving from Scotland and although I have seen amazing customer service here, I have also seen some incredibly blatant and offensive attitudes from those people who rely on customers for a living. Do some people simply have no sense of self preservation? or are they maybe a little 'cuckoo'?
From Fair Go... In a moderate letter, Sue Meadows complained to Aotea Web Hosting Ltd, a British based firm which has been on Fair Go before, that she'd asked to end her contract with them, yet they continued to bill her.
In response, she received 25 phone calls in 12 hours from Bruce Clarke, the New Zealander who owns the firm. Several were extremely abusive, threatening, and used foul language. He told her" We will see you go down. You will be named and shamed." He described her as a "F...... coward."
I have used only one NZ webhost (Openhost) since I moved here and they are excellent. Thank god I never used Aotea Web Hosting. Thanks Fair Go for giving me and many others the heads up about the nastiness that goes on behind the scenes in this company, I for sure wont ever be using them.
Read more at TVNZ >>
Read More at Canz SEO >>
Their way.
This rang so many bells for me, I have been in NZ for 6 years since moving from Scotland and although I have seen amazing customer service here, I have also seen some incredibly blatant and offensive attitudes from those people who rely on customers for a living. Do some people simply have no sense of self preservation? or are they maybe a little 'cuckoo'?
From Fair Go... In a moderate letter, Sue Meadows complained to Aotea Web Hosting Ltd, a British based firm which has been on Fair Go before, that she'd asked to end her contract with them, yet they continued to bill her.
In response, she received 25 phone calls in 12 hours from Bruce Clarke, the New Zealander who owns the firm. Several were extremely abusive, threatening, and used foul language. He told her" We will see you go down. You will be named and shamed." He described her as a "F...... coward."
I have used only one NZ webhost (Openhost) since I moved here and they are excellent. Thank god I never used Aotea Web Hosting. Thanks Fair Go for giving me and many others the heads up about the nastiness that goes on behind the scenes in this company, I for sure wont ever be using them.
Read more at TVNZ >>
Read More at Canz SEO >>
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Indian Power Projection. New Homegrown Aircraft Carrier
By 2014, India the second most populous nation on Earth will evolve into a Naval Power with serious power projection.
Very few countries have had the technical capability to produce homegrown warships on a scale such as an Aircraft Carrier but now it seems that India will be joining that elite Club.
As of 2009, Great Britain, France, Unites States, Russia, Spain and Italy have indigenous Aircraft Carriers as part of their blue-water fleets. Other nations such as Thailand, Brazil and India have Aircraft carriers which have been purchased from other nations.
India's only Aircraft carrier in current service is the Centaur class ship INS Viraat
(ex- HMS Hermes - pictured above) which is likely to be replaced around 2014 by the new 37,500 tonne Indigenous Vikrant class Carrier being built by Chochin Shipyard.
In addition to the INS Viraat (Purchased from the UK) India has also purchased another foreign carrier warship, the modified Kiev class carrier Admiral Gorshkov (pictured-left) to be renamed INS Vikramaditya. This vessel is being purchased from Russia for free, but India has contracted the Russians to renovate it and supply embarked air power, training, weapons and the removal of the ships P-500 Bazalt Nuclear missile launchers on the foredeck for an additional $1.5 Billion US Dollars. there have been reports that this price has been inflated greatly due to the ageing condition of the ship.
India's indigenous Vikrant class carrier will initially embark up to 30 MIG-29 Fighter jets of Russian origin and India is also developing a naval version of the HAL Tejas Fighter Plane (Pictured) for ultimate use on the carrier making the entire package indigenous to India.
Overall, it seems that in approx 5-6 years time, India will see its first Indian designed and built Aircraft carrier with an indigenous combat wing.
This new Naval hardware will undoubtedly bring India to the top of Asian nations who wish to project power outside of their own borders. I suspect that Pakistan will, in the spirit of rivalry no doubt pursue a similar course of naval upgrades although personally I do not think they are at the level of indigenous production as yet. But in time, I am sure they will.
पृथ्वी पर 2014 से, भारत को दूसरा सबसे अधिक जनसंख्या वाले देश एक नौसेना पावर में गंभीर बिजली प्रक्षेपण के साथ विकसित करेगा.
बहुत कम देशों पर एक पैमाने पर एक विमान वाहक जैसे घर युद्धपोतों का निर्माण करने के लिए तकनीकी क्षमता की है अब यह है कि भारत में शामिल हो जाएगा लगता है कि अभिजात वर्ग क्लब.
2009 में, ग्रेट ब्रिटेन, फ्रांस, राज्यों को संयुक्त राज्य राज्य के रूप में, रूस, स्पेन और इटली के नीले पानी fleets के हिस्से के रूप में स्वदेशी विमान वाहक है. थाईलैंड, ब्राजील और भारत जैसे अन्य जातियों, जो दूसरे देशों से खरीदा गया है विमान वाहक है.
मौजूदा सेवा में भारत की ही विमान वाहक को सेंटूर वर्ग जहाज है आईएनएस विराट
(पूर्व एचएमएस हर्मीस - चित्र) जो कि 2014 के आसपास के नए 37,500 टन स्वदेशी विक्रांत वर्ग कैरियर की जगह होना Chochin शिपयार्ड द्वारा निर्मित किया जा रहा है.
आईएनएस विराट के अलावा (ब्रिटेन से) भारत ने एक और विदेशी वाहक युद्धपोत खरीदा गया है, को संशोधित कीव वर्ग वाहक एडमिरल गोर्शकोव (चित्र-छोड़ा) आईएनएस विक्रमादित्य नाम होना खरीदा. यह पोत रूस से मुक्त करने के लिए खरीदा जा रहा है, लेकिन भारत यह नवीकरण करने के लिए और एक अतिरिक्त $ 1.5 अरब अमरीकी डॉलर के लिए शुरू की हवा बिजली, प्रशिक्षण, हथियार और जहाजों पी को हटाने के foredeck पर 500Bazalt एकल मिसाइल लांचरों की आपूर्ति रूसियों लिए अनुबंध किया है . वहाँ की रिपोर्ट है कि यह कीमत बहुत जहाज के बुढ़ाते हालत की वजह से फुलाया गया है की गई है.
भारत का स्वदेशी विक्रांत वर्ग कैरियर शुरू में 30 मिग-रूसी मूल के 29 लड़ाकू जेट और भारत को भी वाहक पूरे पैकेज भारत स्वदेशी बनाने के अंतिम उपयोग के लिए HALTejas लड़ाकू विमान (चित्र) के एक नौसैनिक संस्करण को विकसित कर रहा है को लगना होगा.
कुल मिलाकर, यह लगभग 5-6 वर्षों में समय लगता है, भारत देखेंगे अपनी भारतीय डिजाइन और एक स्वदेशी लड़ाकू शाखा के साथ विमान वाहक बनाया पहले.
यह नया नौसेना हार्डवेयर बेशक जो अपने खुद के सीमा के बाहर बिजली परियोजना की इच्छा एशियाई राष्ट्रों के शीर्ष करने के लिए भारत लाएगा. मुझे संदेह है कि पाकिस्तान करेगा, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है, हालांकि मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से वे अभी तक स्वदेशी उत्पादन के स्तर पर हो नहीं लगता कि नौसेना के उन्नयन के एक समान पाठ्यक्रम का पीछा प्रतिद्वंद्विता की भावना में. लेकिन समय में, मुझे लगता है वे जाएगा यकीन है.
Very few countries have had the technical capability to produce homegrown warships on a scale such as an Aircraft Carrier but now it seems that India will be joining that elite Club.
As of 2009, Great Britain, France, Unites States, Russia, Spain and Italy have indigenous Aircraft Carriers as part of their blue-water fleets. Other nations such as Thailand, Brazil and India have Aircraft carriers which have been purchased from other nations.

(ex- HMS Hermes - pictured above) which is likely to be replaced around 2014 by the new 37,500 tonne Indigenous Vikrant class Carrier being built by Chochin Shipyard.

Overall, it seems that in approx 5-6 years time, India will see its first Indian designed and built Aircraft carrier with an indigenous combat wing.
This new Naval hardware will undoubtedly bring India to the top of Asian nations who wish to project power outside of their own borders. I suspect that Pakistan will, in the spirit of rivalry no doubt pursue a similar course of naval upgrades although personally I do not think they are at the level of indigenous production as yet. But in time, I am sure they will.
पृथ्वी पर 2014 से, भारत को दूसरा सबसे अधिक जनसंख्या वाले देश एक नौसेना पावर में गंभीर बिजली प्रक्षेपण के साथ विकसित करेगा.
बहुत कम देशों पर एक पैमाने पर एक विमान वाहक जैसे घर युद्धपोतों का निर्माण करने के लिए तकनीकी क्षमता की है अब यह है कि भारत में शामिल हो जाएगा लगता है कि अभिजात वर्ग क्लब.
2009 में, ग्रेट ब्रिटेन, फ्रांस, राज्यों को संयुक्त राज्य राज्य के रूप में, रूस, स्पेन और इटली के नीले पानी fleets के हिस्से के रूप में स्वदेशी विमान वाहक है. थाईलैंड, ब्राजील और भारत जैसे अन्य जातियों, जो दूसरे देशों से खरीदा गया है विमान वाहक है.
मौजूदा सेवा में भारत की ही विमान वाहक को सेंटूर वर्ग जहाज है आईएनएस विराट
(पूर्व एचएमएस हर्मीस - चित्र) जो कि 2014 के आसपास के नए 37,500 टन स्वदेशी विक्रांत वर्ग कैरियर की जगह होना Chochin शिपयार्ड द्वारा निर्मित किया जा रहा है.
आईएनएस विराट के अलावा (ब्रिटेन से) भारत ने एक और विदेशी वाहक युद्धपोत खरीदा गया है, को संशोधित कीव वर्ग वाहक एडमिरल गोर्शकोव (चित्र-छोड़ा) आईएनएस विक्रमादित्य नाम होना खरीदा. यह पोत रूस से मुक्त करने के लिए खरीदा जा रहा है, लेकिन भारत यह नवीकरण करने के लिए और एक अतिरिक्त $ 1.5 अरब अमरीकी डॉलर के लिए शुरू की हवा बिजली, प्रशिक्षण, हथियार और जहाजों पी को हटाने के foredeck पर 500Bazalt एकल मिसाइल लांचरों की आपूर्ति रूसियों लिए अनुबंध किया है . वहाँ की रिपोर्ट है कि यह कीमत बहुत जहाज के बुढ़ाते हालत की वजह से फुलाया गया है की गई है.
भारत का स्वदेशी विक्रांत वर्ग कैरियर शुरू में 30 मिग-रूसी मूल के 29 लड़ाकू जेट और भारत को भी वाहक पूरे पैकेज भारत स्वदेशी बनाने के अंतिम उपयोग के लिए HALTejas लड़ाकू विमान (चित्र) के एक नौसैनिक संस्करण को विकसित कर रहा है को लगना होगा.
कुल मिलाकर, यह लगभग 5-6 वर्षों में समय लगता है, भारत देखेंगे अपनी भारतीय डिजाइन और एक स्वदेशी लड़ाकू शाखा के साथ विमान वाहक बनाया पहले.
यह नया नौसेना हार्डवेयर बेशक जो अपने खुद के सीमा के बाहर बिजली परियोजना की इच्छा एशियाई राष्ट्रों के शीर्ष करने के लिए भारत लाएगा. मुझे संदेह है कि पाकिस्तान करेगा, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है, हालांकि मैं व्यक्तिगत रूप से वे अभी तक स्वदेशी उत्पादन के स्तर पर हो नहीं लगता कि नौसेना के उन्नयन के एक समान पाठ्यक्रम का पीछा प्रतिद्वंद्विता की भावना में. लेकिन समय में, मुझे लगता है वे जाएगा यकीन है.
aircraft carrier,
hms hermes,
ins viraat,
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