What I have found, every time I click on an add proclaiming "home business!" "earn your monthly income in a year!" always seem to be the same. A bloody Pyramid Scheme!
OK, I know they are not all like that, but it certainly seems that most of them get you to sign up, then you get paid for more people who sign up using your affiliate ID link. This is basically a Pyramid Scheme and although a lot of other affiliate schemes do sell other items, a great many of them in my research seem to fall back onto the pyramid model as a staple income.
I have never made a cent from Affiliate schemes but to be honest, I spend more time on trying to maximise my adsense revenue from this blog amongst others. I suppose I feel that if I make a site to gain traffic, then only to send that traffic off in search of an affiliate sale, then I myself am somehow selling out, but then I never had a head for business I guess....
I like adsense because all the ads are relevant to my site content. But I have also added Clickbank links to some pages which are relevant to the article and yet, even though I have plenty of hops and clickthroughs. I get so cash.
Has anyone else out there had any luck with this? (add to the comments!)
If you can recommend a decent affiliate scheme I'd love to know. I get plenty of traffic to this site so if I get no responses or very few, I will consider the matter a waste of time and maybe so should you.
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