The media really have been on this guys back a hell of a lot over the incident with Kristen Dunne-Powell in 2005.
I cannot help thinking that although what he did was wrong, I myself have been in similar situations. Sometimes you can be in such a trapped domestic argument with someone that the primal instinct to lash out physically just happens!
Is it wrong? yes of course. Assault of any kind is wrong, however, Have you ever been kicked, hit or slapped by someone? is it not normal to then hit back?
I seriously doubt that Tony Veitch had some kind of calculated mind whereby he actually planned to kick Kristen Dunne-Powell in the back. Maybe he did, but I doubt it.
Because he is a media star, this has been blown way out of what normally would happen to someone else. I guarantee 100% that since this incident in 2005, there will have been plenty of other kickings, slappings and punchings between couples which we have never heard about.
Tony Veitch finally came out and pleased guilty, he apologised and quite rightly, threatened to sue certain media outlets for false statements about him (I would too) and yet the media and the people of New Zealand continue to denounce him?
His career may be over, his mental state will be in turmoil. People hate him. Why? not because he did something horrendous but for something I think was probably incredibly normal and natural. Shame on him?
Shame on you NZ!
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