I have no problem with it at all.
I DO have a problem with the Government spending Million's of our Tax Dollars on that dirty, filthy, corporate, traitorous and greedy sport know as the America's Cup. A sport which is not even country vs country, but rich blokes vs rich blokes.
From an international point of view, I genuinely think that those who visit NZ for the rugby from other countries will absolutely love to see the Rugby World Cup broadcast in a more culturally diverse setting. Many tourists love to pick up culture from the country they are visiting and as long as most of it is in English for the commentary, whats the problem?
For those of you saying it is racist, consider this... in 40 years time, if Pakeha were to become an minority in NZ (hypothetically) due to immigration from other races, would you consider it 'racist' to keep a 'special' place for the English language and Pakeha/Western/White way of life?
No. I didn't think so.
Like it or not, Maori do have an authentic and special place here in NZ, this is the only country where Maori's can be Maori.
Sorry, but us Pakeha live very safe and secure in the knowledge that our culture is perfectly safe from being squashed or even just changed by another.
I say lets consider Maori TV as a real option for this broadcast and stop your bloody moaning.
P.s. And Kiwis say they hate Whingeing Poms!
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