I discovered a website called www.wallpapers-e.com
(I wont link to them since it will probably help them) which has been extensively scraping, stealing and copying content from my own website www.widescreenstuff.com* probably via RSS.
Wallpapers-e makes good use of AdSense on their site and is profiting from other websites which spend many hours creating valuable content. Some of the wallpapers that thiste site has stoen for me, ranks Higher in Google than my own!
I have emailed the contact of the website after doing a Whois search and he assures me that he receives emails all the time about this and he sold the website ages ago. I have emailed the new contact but no success so far.
How to stop a scraper from stealing your content.
I just discovered that on ANY adsense link there is a clickable link 'Ads by Google' to Google itself and within the page that appears you can 'Report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw' this is probably a good place to start. More info >
If you are affected, I'd love to hear from you in the comments below so we can start a conversation about this and hopefully get together and stop wallpapers-e and many other sites from continuing to Steal our PageRank and Visitors!
*Update, Wallpapers-e.com have been in contact with me after reading this post and has offered to remove the stolen posts/content once he has made his money back. Hmmmm, I wonder if he has missed the point...
Additional Reading on this topic:
*In my own defence, I myself do make use of public domain images in my website and therefore have no copyright claim over them.
But I do also have many images which are my own copyright and these have been stolen also and republished on wallpapers-e.com
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