I paid them a visit today and they certainly have Adsense blocks pasted over their pages, but why have I not seen a since cent from it?
I double checked my code and publisher ID, but still. Not a single cent.
Perhaps this is due to lack of traffic? of course, this could be the reason, but many of my most read articles rank much lower in organic results of Google than the YouSayToo copy of the same post. Yet still, no Adsense. I get approx 400 unique visitors a day with around $1 - $4 in Adsense each day. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Some other sites that I use Adsense with seem to rotate my pub-id with their own and I can verify that my ID is being shown by checking the source code on the page. YouSaytoo.com seem to use a different method, I cannot find my pub-id in the source code anywhere...
The guys are YouSayToo got in touch with me and drew my attention to the URL channels set up on Adsense. I have added www.YouSayToo.com to it and I am waiting to see if there is any impressions or clicks recorded under it. I will let you know what I find.
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