The answer is generally a distinct 'no!', but you might be surprised just how many people out there in Aotearoa who do not completely disregard the idea.
In many ways, NZ and Australia are closer neighbours than many other nations, given their shared colonial past, ANZAC traditions and free interchangeable residency policies. Indeed, once upon a time, when the Australian commonwealth was formed, New Zealand had the option of joining it.
This makes New Zealand and Australia a great deal more compatible than say Canada and the USA. Both Australia and NZ have the same kind of Parliamentary democracy (although Australia has Federal elements) and both countries base their laws upon English common law.
As a relative newcomer to NZ (since 2003) I find that economically it actually would make sense for NZ and Australia to join in a federation. Much of NZ's business is already owned by Australia and this has apparently made NZ a little bit more insulated from the world economic crisis. Perhaps this is an example of the benefits a cross-Tasman union could bring.
What do you think?
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