Monday, October 19, 2009

Evil Socialist NHS Healthcare.

"Grab your tools and make for the Cornfield's there is a quota to meet! Don't you know that your Socialist Government Wants YOU!? Who pays for that water you are drinking? Who put that shirt on your back? And who is going to help you if you get sick?... ...That's right, the National Socialist Government of Great Britain! Now get back to work before I whip you!"

This, I think, is a fair image of what some of our American cousins must have in mind, as the debate over US health-care gets more and more heated.

Now, what the hell does this have to do with me? I am not American, so therefore it is none of my business right? Well, apart from the fact that I don't like to see anyone dying and going bankrupt as a result of the lack of proper health care, my main reason for rushing into this discussion are the vitriolic, relentless and often downright vicious attacks on a certain British organisation. (UK NHS is 'Evil and Orwellian') The National Health Service.

I, myself, am a Scot, and as many people know, there can be a great deal of division in the UK between Scots, English, Welsh and Irish on a variety of political, social and even religious matters. Despite these national divisions, I believe I can say with great certainty that there is one thing we all agree on without reservation: the value and sanctity of the NHS.

The NHS is one of those things that makes many people proud to be British. Indeed the NHS is held up as a symbol of all that is great with Great Britain.

Why? Well put simply, while we do have a class divide in the UK (we have 'posh bastards' and 'poor bastards' alike, many nations do), there is a moment when that line can and does blur. It happens in the Accident and Emergency room of an NHS hospital; it happens the moment you dial 999 for emergency treatment.

If you are poor or if you are rich, an ambulance will arrive and speed you off to the nearest NHS hospital with equal alacrity. Once you get there, you will be treated with equal efficiency and once you are fixed up, you will be sent home with equal compassion and after care.
  • At no time during this process are you ever required to have some kind of 'pre-approval' from a 3rd party (Insurance Company)
  • At no time during this process are you ever asked to waste valuable time filling out forms to prove you have adequate insurance cover.
  • At no time are you ever to fear that your insurance company might not meet the medical bills because they have discovered that you got beaten up by your husband.
  • At no time will you have to worry that 'someone, somewhere' has actively began an investigation into finding a reason to deny your care, because they will get a bonus if they find one.
  • You will never be billed and you will never be left behind.
Emergency treatment is the top priority of the NHS as it surely should be in any civilised country, but for an ill patient to worry about money, coverage, co-payments, deductibles, approvals and claims to a 3rd party private company is surely not just an annoying inconvenience, but downright unethical and immoral. Even after all that stress, what if your HMO wont pay? See '1 in 5 healthcare claims rejected in California'.

The stats on Denials (Image to the right) lead me to firmly believe that there is no place for private 3rd party profiteering when it comes to my healthcare. This includes a government run company such as Medicare trying to compete on such a corrupt playing field.

A recent attack on the British NHS and, by extension, all socialised systems came from the Investors Business Daily, who denounced the UK NHS by saying:

"People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn't have a chance in the U.K. where the National Health Service would say the quality of life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless."

The IBD did of course issue a 'correction' after they were told that Professor Stephen Hawking is in fact British and received treatment by the NHS. However in this correction they go on to say:

"We also say that not everyone suffering from a debilitating disease is Stephen Hawking, and we hope our critics would acknowledge that. Hawking is a renowned theoretical physicist, university professor and best-selling author. It is doubtful any National Health Service bureaucrat would cut him off."
Hawking personally replied that, "I wouldn't be here today if it were not for the NHS," he said. "I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived."

The comment section below IBD's 'correction' shows that many people are not entirely happy with IBD's interpretation of the subject. One commentator writes:

"The columnist's blunder is even worse than the critics have noted. My brother died in January after about 15 years of living with ALS. His death occurred after his health insurance (top of the line) was exhausted. My efforts to get the insurance carrier to extend coverage three more months to permit him to be around for the birth of his first grandchild, after which he was to be removed from his ventilator, were denied. This is the American system."

(Posted By: Dave R(5) on 8/17/2009 | 10:58 PM ET

Read the comments here before they remove it.)

Certainly no health system is 'perfect'. But as a citizen of this small planet, I believe that the NHS is one of the most moral and ethical systems; under it, turning patients into money making machines, would be unthinkable. The fact that the NHS does not have to compete for profit with others helps to make it the 'service-first' organisation that it is.

The NHS could of course be better, faster and more efficient. However the view that a private company is never wasteful and inefficient is insupportable. The only difference between the two, is that the private sector will simply hide their mistakes and wastefulness inside your bill and invoice, whereas a public option can't.

The UK NHS may be a rather 'socialist' system but make no mistake, the UK economy is built on money. The UK remains the worlds 5th largest economy and the UK economic system is capitalist through and through; it depends on capitalist market forces to drive growth. The key difference between this Briton's point of view and that of many Americans seems to be that, in my opinion making profit is fine, until it interferes with essential services for the public good.

To quote a fellow Youtuber:

'I got hit by a car 4 months ago. From the second I was put into the helicopter to the moment I left the hospital weeks later, I must have consumed millions of pounds. if you think about all the little costs all lumped into one. Drugs, care, food etc. Do you know what it cost me? nothing at all... If you guys are worried about how much its gunna cost, I recommend you stop spending so much on new ways to nuke shit and start spending it on the people in your country who really need it.'
Dave Hyams : 21 years old.

Further reading:

Bizarre / Crazy / Negative
  • The Problem with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other peoples money: read on...
  • This guy thinks that Socialised Medicine is the equivalent of pointing a gun at your fellow citizens head 'to pay for it': Read on... (but you might need to duck, I think he's serious!)
  • Getting Beaten By Your Husband Is A Pre-Existing Condition: read on...
  • Raped : A Pre-existing condition: read on...
  • Investors Business Daily on the defensive after a stupid comment about Professor Stephen Hawking and the NHS, apparently he is worthy of saving by the NHS, but only because he is famous: Read on...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Iranian commanders assassinated : Terrorism?

The word 'Terrorism' is used far too loosely these days in my opinion.

The attack on the USS Cole in October 2000 was often called terrorism even though it was a military target which was attacked (via suicide) by an aggrieved aggressor. The latest (Oct 2009) attack on the Islamic Revolutionary Guards is surely also a 'military target'.

I'm not saying its right, but why can we draw a clear line between what is Terrorism and what is not. I always thought that terrorism was when innocent (civilian) non-combatants are deliberately targeted for death and destruction. These Islamic Revolutionary Commanders are not civilians, they are military personnel and military personnel from ANY nation should always consider themselves as a 'fair' target by whatever enemy you have. Who that enemy is? I don't know.

I just wish this blanket labelling of 'Terrorist' and 'Terrorism' would stop.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chippendales from around the World!

This is the legendary collection of Chippendales from around the world. It arrived in a chain letter to me recently and I just had to publish it.

If you get offended easily, don't look down !

Chippendale From Tibet

Chippendale From Russia

Chippendale From India

Chippendale From Greece

Chippendale From Egypt

Chippendale From Africa

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vegetable Humour

I got these in my email today and just had to publish them. I'd love the know the source so I can credit, link to them...

Vegetable Humour, huge celeryThe best thing about Eddie's new job was the huge celery...

Vegetable Humour, downloading cornKevin has spent the entire day downloading corn on the Internet...

Vegetable Humour, currantsTom swam for his life, but the currants were too strong for him...

Vegetable Humour, cereal killerBarney was in now doubt. They were now looking for a cereal killer.

Vegetable Humour, blackberriesThe conference pears made many fruitless attempts
to send and receive emails on their new blackberries.

Vegetable Humour, really bad leek.The plumber was called in when they found
a really bad leek in the bathroom

vegetable, humour,

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sploggers, Scraping and Stealing your content!

If you have arrived here because the title of this post matches your search engine query then you are probably having the same issue as me.

I discovered a website called
(I wont link to them since it will probably help them) which has been extensively scraping, stealing and copying content from my own website* probably via RSS.

Wallpapers-e makes good use of AdSense on their site and is profiting from other websites which spend many hours creating valuable content. Some of the wallpapers that thiste site has stoen for me, ranks Higher in Google than my own!

I have emailed the contact of the website after doing a Whois search and he assures me that he receives emails all the time about this and he sold the website ages ago. I have emailed the new contact but no success so far.

How to stop a scraper from stealing your content.

I just discovered that on ANY adsense link there is a clickable link 'Ads by Google' to Google itself and within the page that appears you can 'Report a policy violation regarding the site or ads you just saw' this is probably a good place to start. More info >

If you are affected, I'd love to hear from you in the comments below so we can start a conversation about this and hopefully get together and stop wallpapers-e and many other sites from continuing to Steal our PageRank and Visitors!

*Update, have been in contact with me after reading this post and has offered to remove the stolen posts/content once he has made his money back. Hmmmm, I wonder if he has missed the point...

Additional Reading on this topic:

*In my own defence, I myself do make use of public domain images in my website and therefore have no copyright claim over them.
But I do also have many images which are my own copyright and these have been stolen also and republished on

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Chavs Get Owned !

A collection of the best Chav Videos out there....

Chavettes get Owned by kiddie roundabout.Legendary!

Chav gets Poetic Justice Revenge by a Concrete Slab. Even inanimate objects hate Chav's.

A wicked punch to the face takes out the Chav after what seems like a long long time filled with hard man verbal abuse. This guy makes sure that the Chav learns his lesson. An absolutely legendary Chav video.

An of course, here is the newest video chronicling the history of the chav. Watch as a violent shirtless chav soon becomes the shoeless knocked out chav of the century

keywords: chav, ned, owned, chav gets punched in the face, neds get owned, chav revenge videos, youtube chav, Chav owned by a wall, chavs get beaten by cagefighters,

NASA Bomb's the Moon!

The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite is a boring name for it, so lets just call it a bomb!

On Friday, October 9th at about 4:30 A.M. PST, NASA plans to slam two spacecraft into the moon in an attempt to find water. One part of the spacecraft will be sent into a crater on the moon and will smash up a plume into space and create a huge crater once the booster dives into the moon's rocky surface at nearly 9,000KPH, and then a second part of that same spacecraft will follow it in and make impact with the new crater that the first part creates.

Well It is a good way to find out if there might be any water / ice mixed up in the moons surface and the mission has been nicknamed "Got Water" by scientists involved in the experiment

"We can directly measure water ice, and then we can fly right through the plume," said LCROSS project manager Daniel Andrews.

But wait, we have totally bombed the crap out of the moon before, check this out! >>

nasa, lcross, nasa moon,, blowing up the moon

Chavs get beaten up by Cage-fighters.

The Chav rant continues....

Do Chav's know that they are Chav's? ... We all know that Chav's don't wash, but they must look in the mirror each afternoon once they crawl out of bed to make sure that their Burberry cap and gold necklaces look straight don't they?

We all know that Chav's are extremely fussy about their image and make damn sure that their face acne and Vitamin D starved skin is perfectly pizzafied and white.

So tell me? due to all this vanity each afternoon after the alcopop fueled night before, do they ever stop to look into their own reflected eyes, focus past the sexual desire for that 17 year old bird next door with only 8 kids and think 'dear god, I am a Chav!, I am one of those people I saw on telly last night getting beaten up by some cross dressing cage-fighters. Thats me!'

Chavs and The Chav Song

Although I love Scotland and the UK in general and I definitely consider moving back one day from NZ, this would be one of the 'few' reasons that would stop me.

Introducing, "the CHAV" easily spotted by what they wear including what Michael Quinion calls 'the wearing of white trainers (in what is called “prison white”, so clean that they look new)'

Wikipedia says: Chav is a term applied to certain young people in the United Kingdom. The stereotypical "chav" is an aggressive teenager or young adult who often engages in anti-social behaviour, such as street drinking, drug abuse and rowdy behaviour.

They are often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job, although it is incorrect to assume that all chavs are working class, as chavs belong to no distinct social class. The term Charver is more widely used in North East England. Stereotypical "chavs" typically wear tracksuits and hoodies made by sporting brands such as Nike and Adidas and listen to mainly MC and some have been known to listen to Rap, R'n'B, Hip Hop and Techno.

"Chavette" is a term generally used for female "chavs", similar to "lad" and "ladette".

Response to the term has ranged from amusement to criticism that it is a new manifestation of classism. One BBC TV documentary suggested that "chav" culture is an evolution of previous working-class youth subcultures associated with particular commercial clothing styles, such as mods, skinheads and casuals. The term has been associated with juvenile delinquency, the ASBO Generation and yob culture.

Why are Chav's like Slinkies?
They have no real use, but its great watching one fall down a flight of stairs.

Maori TV as a real option for the Rugby World Cup 2011 Broadcast?

Maori TV have caused controversy with Te Puni Kokiri's intention to fund Maori Television's $3 million bid (taxpayers money) for Rugby World Cup coverage.

I have no problem with it at all.

I DO have a problem with the Government spending Million's of our Tax Dollars on that dirty, filthy, corporate, traitorous and greedy sport know as the America's Cup. A sport which is not even country vs country, but rich blokes vs rich blokes.

From an international point of view, I genuinely think that those who visit NZ for the rugby from other countries will absolutely love to see the Rugby World Cup broadcast in a more culturally diverse setting. Many tourists love to pick up culture from the country they are visiting and as long as most of it is in English for the commentary, whats the problem?

For those of you saying it is racist, consider this... in 40 years time, if Pakeha were to become an minority in NZ (hypothetically) due to immigration from other races, would you consider it 'racist' to keep a 'special' place for the English language and Pakeha/Western/White way of life?

No. I didn't think so.

Like it or not, Maori do have an authentic and special place here in NZ, this is the only country where Maori's can be Maori.

Sorry, but us Pakeha live very safe and secure in the knowledge that our culture is perfectly safe from being squashed or even just changed by another.

I say lets consider Maori TV as a real option for this broadcast and stop your bloody moaning.

P.s. And Kiwis say they hate Whingeing Poms!

New Zealand Skyhawks SOLD! (maybe?)

The decommissioned Royal New Zealand Air Force A-4 Skyhawks which have been sitting on the ground for the last 8 years are nearly sold.

The 17 jets were deemed useless by the NZ labour government at the time along with a further 17 Aermacchi MB-339 and they took the decision (stupid in my opinion) to retire the aircraft with nothing to succeed them. Most of the RNZAF's fighter pilots subsequently left New Zealand to serve in the Royal Australian Air Force and the UK Royal Air Force. Defence minister Wayne Mapp has expressed a desire for the Aermacchi fleet to return to service, but Prime Minister John Key says it is extremely unlikely that any jet training will be restored.

The US Government have blocked the sale of the Skyhawks over the last several years undoubtedly as a shrug to NZ's anti-nuclear policy but the cold (military) relations between New Zealand and the United States have thawed somewhat in recent years and now the US have finally given State Department, Congress and Bureau of Alcohol, Firearms and Tobacco approval.!

So what is the NZ taxpayer getting back for this depletion in our airspace security?
about $155 Million NZ Dollars. Thats about 38 bucks for each person in NZ.

Ok, I know that buying new planes and upkeep would be more than that but my point is, in the vast pocket of the treasury, surely they can find a few million bucks to buy even a handfull of new jet aircraft for the (tiny) RNZAF. I have a rationale, if you are interested.

New Zealand, I hope it was worth it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ALERT! 2nd Tsunami heading to New Zealand

Pacific Tsunami WarningThe Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre has confirmed a tsunami was generated by a large earthquake off Vanuatu but has now cancelled warnings, saying the danger is likely to have passed.

Civil Defence said a tsunami measuring 0.4m was recorded off Vanuatu and had advised New Zealanders to stay off beaches and out of boats.

Its coming from Vanuatu this time, an 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake has been reported off Vanuatu and New Zealand Civil Defence have issued a Tsunami 'watch'.

The epicentre was 373 km north of Santo, Vanuatu.

It has been reported to be at a depth of 33km and the US State of Hawaii has received a Tsunami advisory from the Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre.

The Ministry of Civil Defence is advising of a potential tsunami threat to New Zealand from an earthquake of magnitude 8 at Vanuatu.
An advisory is being sent to all responding agencies, including Fire, Police, Coastguard, local authorities and others to put them on standby.
The public is advised to not be on beaches or in boats near the coast. NZ Civil Defence >>

The public is advised to not be on
beaches or in boats near the coast.

Small Tsunami has been confirmed at Vanuatu.

Tsunami warning is in effect for:
Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, New Caledonia, Fiji, Kiribati, Kosrae, Wallis-Futuna, Howland-Baker

A tsunami watch is in effect for:
Various countries including New Zealand, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga, Australia

Should a tsunami reach New Zealand, it will hit at the following times:
* North Cape - 2.34pm
* East Cape - 3.16pm
* Auckland (West) - 3.33pm
* Gisborne 3.49pm
* New Plymouth 4.10pm
* Auckland (East) 4.14pm
* Napier 4.29pm
* Milford Sound 4.35pm
* Wellington 4.39pm
* Westport 4.50pm.

There is no confirmation that a tsunami has been generated. Our advice from scientific advisors is that if a tsunami has been generated it is unlikely to be destructive for New Zealand. However, the Potential Threat Advisory remains in effect until cancellation.

More soon...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

David Tua v Shane Cameron

What a fight!, it was short, but amazing!

I had the bright idea last night of going to watch the boxing 'fight of the century' at my local pub in Devonport. Turns out of course that they were not showing it because Sky TV had the bright profiteering idea of charging $1,500.00 for any pub which wanted to show it.

I decided to try my luck in Takapuna but the only pub showing it there was the Sin Bin and lets just say, they were at capacity. There was about 50 people waiting outside on the off-chance that they might get in and I joined them. Of course, as the time ticked toward the kick off at 10.15, no-one was getting in except a few choice VIP's and those people who knew the bouncers.

I figured, well I can watch through the window and stay outside or, I can try my luck...

Lets just say about 30 seconds before the round 1 bell sounded, I got my pint of Tui and turned to watch the fight on the big screen and I need to thank the 2 guys who helped me out. I could not thank them at the time, because it would have drawn attention but I figured I could at least thank them on here.

Cheers guys, for making my trip to Takapuna worthwhile!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

WIndows 7 Video of Cheese!

Well as much as I hate MAC's I have to admit, if it were all about what adverts sell the best product, then I'd be buying a MAC tomorrow.

This new Video from Microsoft has so much incredible stuff in it as an amazing study piece for someone who is interested in bad advertising.
  • Cheese (my god its dripping with it)
  • Contrived Laughing
  • Innapropriate setting
anyway, take a look.

I actually find that the acting in this video is not too bad, these people seem to know what they are doing. Shame that they were given such a shitty script to work with and I hope now that their acting careers have not just been destroyed.
