The New Zealand Empire Armed Forces said today they have already dispatched several heavily armed warships to the area in order to secure the Mineral (and potentially oil ) rich area from potential aggressors such as the Western Island regime, known as Australia.

The New Zealand Empire has formally stated that anyone intruding upon this area will be attacked without reservation by a powerful new weapon installed on all NZ Empire Imperial Warships known as "The Multiple Kiwi Launcher".
Intelligence agencies from governments around the world, have for some time been gathering information on this new weapon. So far it is believed that the weapon can fire High Explosive Kiwis an incredible distance, as far as the West island in fact.

In addition to the expansion, New Zealand Empire (NZE) Officials have stated that the United States of America has recognised the need for a Free trade agreement with the Empire.
With the current state of the US economy, it has come as no surprise to NZE leaders that the USA desperately requires the vast resources of the NZE to support its weakening economy and New Zealand Empire Officers have left for New York to begin negotiations on this new agreement.

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