"Whats the point in it?" I asked my self many times, I understand the whole "online diary" thing but why would anyone want to spill their thoughts in public?.
I find a blog for me is a very good place to write down stuff. I hate writing, (with a pen or pencil that is ) so a blog is a good alternative.
The good thing about a blog is, like-minded people can read it and comment on it, something that a diary on a bookshelf cannot. Even if people do not read your blog, at least you can still consider it a place to vent. You can vent your thoughts at current issues, or to publish your controversial opinion on something. Perhaps you are an expert at something and you just want to share your knowledge, a blog is all these things.
A website on the other hand, is more of a shop window, its a representation of a company, product or person, whereas a blog is more of a straight to the point kind of tool and because people find individual blog posts via search engines etc, it doesn't mater if one of your blog posts is on particle physics and another one is on dogs.
A blog is just content. A blog is thoughts. A blog is opinion. A blog is a joke. A blog is family photos. A blog is a travel diary. A blog is a recipe for soup. A blog is a book review. A blog is an angry rant.
A blog is getting it off your chest.
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