There are five recognised countries in the world which are considered "nuclear weapons states" these are the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Russian Federation and China.
A further 3 countries have declared their nuclear weapons capability, these are Pakistan, India and North Korea.
There are 3 more countries however and these are the ones which bring the nuclear issue to the Middle East.
Firstly Israel.
They have never officially confirmed or denied it, but it appears to be almost certain that they do possess Nuclear Weapons, given their defence expenditure and the fact that they are surrounded by countries who basically "hate" them.
Next, Syria.
Israel launched a surgical bombing mission into Syria on 6th September 2007 stating that it had destroyed a building which it believed had been a Nuclear Facility under construction.

Lastly, Iran. Now this would appear to be the big one. In theory there should be no reason why a country such as Iran should not have the ability to create peaceful Nuclear Power stations, but the west has a concern.
I think this is the reason.
In the Middle East, since the creation of Israel and the subsequent wars there has always been a guarantee that Israel could ultimately launch a Nuclear Warhead at any aggressor should it need it as a last resort. A country such as Syria, Iran, Egypt or anyone else who has an issue with Israel would know this, and therefore it would naturally limit their desire to wipe a Nuclear Israel out.

Simply, lets say a country has 300 warships 1000 warplanes and 25,000 Battle tanks and it threatens a nation with only 100 warships 300 warplanes and 10,000 battle tanks, then normally the country with the most hardware would likely win in any conventional military exchange.
With Nuclear Weapons however, the numerical hardware and manpower advantage can be effectively neutralised.
For example, even if Israel had 10,000 nuclear warheads at 4.0 megatonnes each and Iran only had a measly 2 at approx 1.0 megatonnes each. Then Israel would still never take the chance of allowing Iran to deploy such nuclear power, even if Israel has a huge numerical advantage in conventional weapons.

This is why it is a matter of trust.
Can we trust a Nuclear Iran?
More on this > Salient.org.nz > Aljazeera >
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