Thursday, October 8, 2009

NASA Bomb's the Moon!

The Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite is a boring name for it, so lets just call it a bomb!

On Friday, October 9th at about 4:30 A.M. PST, NASA plans to slam two spacecraft into the moon in an attempt to find water. One part of the spacecraft will be sent into a crater on the moon and will smash up a plume into space and create a huge crater once the booster dives into the moon's rocky surface at nearly 9,000KPH, and then a second part of that same spacecraft will follow it in and make impact with the new crater that the first part creates.

Well It is a good way to find out if there might be any water / ice mixed up in the moons surface and the mission has been nicknamed "Got Water" by scientists involved in the experiment

"We can directly measure water ice, and then we can fly right through the plume," said LCROSS project manager Daniel Andrews.

But wait, we have totally bombed the crap out of the moon before, check this out! >>

nasa, lcross, nasa moon,, blowing up the moon

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