Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Dear American, this is NOT the Flag of England

No offence, but I just saw a news report from a major American news channel talking about the financial crisis and once again they referred to the UK as "England" with a nice big Union Jack graphic next to it.

Please please please, understand that England is merely a "Part" of the UK, albeit the biggest part, it is a "part" nonetheless.

I am sure if people decided to call the United States of America "Texas" or "Delaware" then a lot of Americans might feel a little annoyed about that.

Just to confirm....
This is the Flag of England

This is the Flag of England


This is the Flag of the UK

This is the Flag of the UK

Below is an example of the make up of the Union Jack (UK Flag)

England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland make up the "UK"

Wales doesn't have a representation in the flag because they fall under the English flag due to the nature of their Union.

Thanks for listening to me moan.


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